3 Zodiac Signs Confronting Deep Issues & Experiencing Mental Empowerment On May 17, 2024

On May 17, 2024, the powerful force of Mercury square Pluto challenges three zodiac signs' reasoning.  

Mercury squares Pluto on May 17, 2024, causing a powerful transit that encourages profound thought.  

Three zodiac signs are particularly affected by this transit, as ancient grudges resurface.   

However, as Mercury squares Pluto on May 17, these signs are prompted to do what comes naturally: get out of their own way and reach out to reconnect.  


You pledged to yourself that you would never allow 'that person' back into your life. But, as time passes, you begin to wonder how committed you are to that concept.  


If there is a grudge to be held, you are the master and key bearer here, Leo.  


Pride erected this Ivory Tower, and its loss will be what brings it down. In your instance, Sagittarius, this is beneficial.  

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