3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Improve On May 9

When Gemini's Moon wanes, we relax and become more sociable. On May 9, we relaxed because we felt like the hard part was over.   

We want nothing more than a wonderful companion to relax with now that our lives feel like they're ending in the proper way.  

Thursday makes us happy. We're welcoming and happy to meet new individuals. We're calm. We're done defending. Really, we, mostly three zodiac signs, need serenity, joy, and love—good stuff. Good stuff is what we want on May 9. Gemini's positivity will help us do that.  

If we're willing, we can become involved, attend events, and be in the right place at the right moment to receive the positive emotion we want to overwhelm us. We expect to be overwhelmed. We desire joy after the funk. Our pleasant vibes will now attract others, so why not enjoy it? The three zodiac signs will.  

Since you've always been open to new people, making friends is almost a gift. You're outgoing and love meeting new people; you have the best time with like-minded friends. Your circle of pals grows on May 9 during the Waning Crescent in Gemini.  


Sometimes you seem like the friendliest person in the world, attracting fun-lovers. Leo, despite your dark moments, you prefer daily laughter and joy. That seems obvious—'who wouldn't want that?' Despite your trust, you are skeptical about friends.  


Virgo, you're all over parties since your 'other side' loves a good time is ready to appear. You're not always in the mood to laugh or share stories with pals, but on May 9, you're the socialite and want the party to continue.  


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