3 Zodiac Signs Whose Romantic Relationships Improve On May 10

New life arrives in May; for many of us, it's the month when we start to feel the pulse of Spring and get ready for Summer. We have to take it as a "feel" and keep an open mind.  

On Friday, May 10, we'll see that in addition to being open to everything fresh and fascinating, we also happen to run across a love scenario that piques our interest.  

We are ready and eager to fall in love and be honest with ourselves about it during the Cancer Moon/Mercury transit on May 10. This indicates that for three signs of the zodiac, everything is in order—including our intellect.   

Even though we could associate falling in love and beginning a new relationship with the heart, we will be conscious of the fact that, both rationally and emotionally, we think what we're about to do is correct.  

We think this will work, so we will start over with someone new. Even while that seems like what we would do anyhow, there is a small distinction because we have more experience today. We are aware of the things we will and will not do.  

We will connect our hearts and intellect and find ourselves in a new love setting that feels extremely right to us because of this Cancer/Mercury element.  

There's something intriguing about you, Cancer: you've avoided love for so long that you truly believe you don't need it anymore and that you're somehow "safer" without someone to "tend to." Although you've been bitter about prior relationships for quite some time, you should know that on May 10, a new person will enter your life, and you will undoubtedly fall in love with them.  


On Friday morning, you can feel rejuvenated and believe that you are about to embark on a romantic relationship with a recently-met person. You look around your life and realize that you could need this kind of love-booster shot because there's just something about this individual that makes you happy.  


Because you work so hard to maintain your cool, collected exterior, you don't always like to admit when you're in love, but every now and then, you can't help but fall in love. You will see the person who is going to take your heart, mind, and everything associated with it on Friday, Libra . 


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