5 Best Morning Floor Workouts for Weight Loss

Starting your day with stimulating and effective morning floor workouts will boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. These workouts target numerous muscle groups, burn calories, and lose fat.

These five morning floor workouts for weight loss are my favorites, each with three movements. Add these routines to your everyday routine to lose weight and get fit.

Listen to your body, stay persistent, and combine these activities with a healthy diet for best results. These workouts offer a variety of exercises to help you lose weight, whether you like HIIT or yoga.

1. Mountain Climber

Get into plank posture. As if running in place, bring one knee to your chest and swap legs swiftly. Repeat three times for 30 seconds, resting 15 seconds between sets.

2. Burpees

From standing, stoop and place your hands on the floor. Jump back to plank, pushup, and squat. End with a big jump. Repeat 12 reps three times.

3. Plank Jack

Get into plank posture. Keep your back straight and jump both feet out to the sides and back in. Repeat 20 reps three times.

Lay back with legs outstretched. Lift both legs to the ceiling and slowly descend them without hitting the floor. Repeat 15 reps three times.

4. Leg Raise

5. Bicycle Crunches

As you lie on your back, raise one knee to your chest and rotate to touch the other elbow. Repeat three 20-rep sets (10 per side).