5 Painfully Honest Reasons You're Not Getting Date

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Do you hear "no" often in dating? If so, you may need to examine yourself honestly. No, it's not because you intimidate men or because every girl you date is emotionally unavailable. Friends tell you these to cheer you up.  

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Consider your date essentials. What do you say when your friend sets you up? "Is he cute?" maybe "Is she smart?" Continue asking, "Is he funny? Charming?" Could someone say "yes" to one of those questions about you?  

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You expect others to do what you won't. You keep going for the shredded gym rats, but you haven't gained weight in seven months. You want to date a wealthy professional but haven't worked in eight months.   

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You're shooting out of your league

Shallow but true. Realize you won't please everyone, but be your best. Bad breath and yellow teeth are straightforward fixes. Smell good, do your hair, exercise, and smile a lot–it boosts your appearance.  

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You've got a fixable physical issue

You're surviving without hobbies, interests, or humorous stories. People date for excitement, but you can't supply it. Interest makes individuals beautiful, and your dates will want your lifestyle. Get a hobby, interest, or passion. TV fandom doesn't count.  

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You're not that interesting

A childhood friend's cutting or sarcastic humor is amusing, but it can be misinterpreted on first impressions. I've heard countless stories of dates offending somebody and then saying they were joking. A little ribbing is fine, but a cruel sense of humor should be avoided early on.  

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Your humor is mean

People don't want to complicate your mess. I'm not talking about student loan debt or economic hardship. He can't work and can't afford a night out occasionally. Date a colleague who can carry his/her end, not someone you have to carry. Get it together—the only solution.  

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You're financially unwell

10 Effective, Affordable Herbal Remedies 

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