5 Simple Signs Your Ex Is Missing You

After a breakup, it can be difficult to discern whether the silence is a normal element of moving on or a symptom of something more.  

If you have ever wondered if your ex misses you, you are not alone. Here are five simple clues that your ex is still clinging on to what you shared together.  

If you discover that these signs resonate with you, it may be time to see an astrologer to learn more about what they indicate for your specific situation.  

If your ex has begun to initiate contact more frequently, such as commenting on your social media postings or texting you for no apparent reason, it could be an indication that they miss your presence in their lives.  

Increased Communication

Does your ex talk about the fantastic moments you both had? If they constantly bring up recollections or discuss "the good old days" you had together, it indicates that they miss those times.  

They Bring Up Nostalgic Memories

If your ex appears uncomfortable or envious when you suggest dating someone new or when they see you with someone else, it's a definite indication that they still have feelings for you.   

They Show Signs of Jealousy

Does your ex meet you for seemingly petty reasons? Perhaps to pick up something they left behind or to return something you own?   

They Make Excuses to Meet You

Sometimes our emotions can impair our judgment. If your ex's friends comment that he or she has been talking about you or that he or she misses you, it is generally a pretty clear indication of their feelings.  

Their Friends Say They Miss You

4 signs of meeting your soulmate