6 Little Relationship Habits of the Happiest Married Couples 

Marriage is a marathon, but some practices can help couples get through the toughest parts. When you got married, other couples probably gave you marriage advise.  

Good marriages are imperfect. You and your spouse will face relationship troubles as individuals and a couple. Like anything good in life, strong partnerships take time.

Never underestimate this quiet PDA. Your skin stores positive and negative contact. This helps you add affection to your happy memories.  

1. They frequently hold hands.

In my Marriage Repair Workshop, I advise spouses to be strength detectives. Find and highlight the excellent in your relationship if you desire a happy one. Disagreement typically hides your love for your lover  

2. They see good stuff

Smart couples know that excellent marriages involve disagreements. These couples fight. Even when untidy, they participate. Development of healthy conflict resolution tools is crucial.

3. They enjoy a fight.

A healthy relationship needs pleasure like a delicate flower needs water. You must purposefully make time for great relationships. This could be snuggling up to watch your favourite show...

4. They schedule quality time together.  

Intimacy bonds you like nothing else. This physical reminder shows that your love is still alive, even if you forget. Being intimate generates endorphins and other feel-good hormones and reduces stress.  

5. They stay personal. 

strong couples have strong connections and take time for themselves. This could entail going out with friends, getting a massage, or playing basketball at the gym.   

6. They take time for themselves

10 Effective, Affordable Herbal Remedies 

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