Accurate Love Horoscopes for Wednesday, May 15, 2024


It is OK to change your goals or pursuits, Aries. Mercury enters Taurus, influencing your desires in relationships.   


Even setbacks are transient, Taurus. Mercury enters Taurus, which influences your personal development.   


When you believe that a greater force is at work, you may allow them to send you your special someone rather than you struggling and making bounds and leaps on your own.  


Connections are everything, Cancer! Mercury enters Taurus, impacting your personal network.  


Mercury enters Taurus, influencing your need to be regarded. You may find you have been settling for things you will no longer tolerate.  


In a relationship, you can only grow as far as the other person is willing to go.  


Libra, you may be starting a new phase of your partnership. Mercury enters Taurus, influencing your deepest passions and intimacy.   


We develop as beings throughout time, and it's fine if your hobbies or activities change with you.   


According to Alexander Den Heijer, "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."   


Is there anything that can help you get into a museful state? Mercury enters Taurus, influencing your inventiveness.  


You may not always be able to control external factors, but you can work for peace in your body, which is your home for life. 


Mercury enters Taurus, influencing your communication. Barriers may limit your capacity or willingness to freely exchange information.   

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