Bowl recipe for chocolate smoothie  

This simple and delicious chocolate smoothie bowl was the first free dish I provided to my community members. 

This recipe, like many of my favorites, came about by chance. That simply means that I did not intend to create it. 

It wasn't on my list of fresh ideas to test or experiment with.I was sitting in bed with a coffee one morning,  

reading social media and emails (like I frequently do), when I noticed something similar. I didn't have the exact components on hand, 

but I was confident I could experiment and create something equally good. This is exactly what I did. 

It's quick and simple to prepare, just like all of my recipes. It's crafted with high-quality, nutritious ingredients and tastes excellent. 

So, if you like the concept of chocolate for breakfast, try it and let me know what you think. 

If you can't decide what to eat, look through this selection of 37 HEALTHY BREAKFAST BOWLS for ideas! 

10 Effective, Affordable Herbal Remedies 

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