Can you find the paintbrush in this image in 5 seconds before the big cat wakes up?

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

You must find the paintbrush in this optical illusion while the large cat sleeps. Beat this difficult illusion task in 5 seconds to demonstrate your keen observation, attention to detail, and vision.   

Thick Brush Stroke

Creative intelligence is tested by this visual illusion.A paintbrush is cleverly disguised in this painting. Be amazed by this optical illusion.   

Thick Brush Stroke

his illusion painting hides the paintbrush well. This optical illusion will confuse you. You'll see how optical illusions use patterns to generate challenging visuals after solving this deception.     

Thick Brush Stroke

Artist-like pattern identification and visual awareness are needed for this difficult optical trick.  

Thick Brush Stroke

You must be one of the 2% of people with a high IQ who can spot the paintbrush in this optical illusion.This illusion artwork shows a cheetah napping.   

Thick Brush Stroke

This large cat is lounging on the tree trunk.  

Thick Brush Stroke

One paintbrush is hidden in this optical illusion. You must be smart and inventive to find the paintbrush in this tough optical illusion.  

Thick Brush Stroke

Do not worry—we circled the answer below. The paintbrush is skillfully disguised in the left tree trunk.  

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