Cherry-Mocha Smoothie

For a fast-paced breakfast on the go, give your blender a whirl. Heart disease doesn't stand a chance thanks to the healthy fats from the almond butter. 

And health-boosting phytonutrients in the cocoa powder and cherries in this tasty breakfast smoothie.


– 1 cup frozen unsweetened pitted dark sweet cherrie – 1 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk – 5.3 to 6-ounce carton vanilla fat-free Greek yogurt – ½ medium banana (see Tip) – 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

– 2 tablespoons almond butter – 1 teaspoon instant espresso coffee powder – 1 teaspoon vanilla – 2 cups ice cube – 1 tablespoon Dark chocolate shavings, chocolate-covered espresso bean

In a blender, add cherries, almond milk, Greek yogurt, banana, chocolate powder, almond butter, espresso coffee powder, and vanilla. Cover and mix until smooth.   



Add ice cubes, cover, and mix until smooth. Pour into glasses, and if desired, garnish with chocolate shavings, chocolate-covered espresso beans, and/or extra banana slices.  


LeBron is wanted by the Lakers ‘on whatever term that he wants.’ Possible Bronny draft. 

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