Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of May 13

Rat, this week's energy is all about manifestation for you! So, embrace your abilities and make your dreams come true. Just make sure you don't let your anxieties rule you.


If you are in love with someone, the energy this week is ideal for expressing your feelings. Your love life will be the most significant of them all.


Tiger, this week will be emotionally crucial for you, especially if you are a student or have recently completed an important exam. Your hard effort will pay off!


Rabbit, this week's energy is all about carefully assessing your future and avoiding becoming weighed down by the wishes and desires of others who want to rule your life.


Dragon, this week's energy is all about setting the groundwork and building the foundations so that your future efforts can be grounded in something strong and stable.


Snake, the energy this week reminds you that your path in life is not the same as everyone else's. Challenges may come and go, but you must select the appropriate challenges for the proper path.


Horse, the energy this week is all about recognizing your worth and never allowing others to make you feel bad about yourself. Hold firm. The world is your oyster!


Goat, this week's energy revolves around knowing you have options. Do not settle or believe you have nowhere to go. Fate is looking out for you!


Monkey, you're ready to light up this week! (A few of you already have.) So expect a lot more interest in your personal life and work.


Rooster, this week's energy is all about following your heart and being honest to yourself. Never mind the skeptics! Fate is watching out for you.


Dog, the energy this week is all about finding folks who bring forth the best in you. That includes avoiding those who bring out the worst in others.


Dog, the energy this week encourages you to be more aware of the individuals you associate with. Negative thoughts and discriminatory behavior can cut you off from the good in the world and lock you in the bad.


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