Every Day, Recite These 8 Affirmations to Alleviate Relationship Anxieties

Securely bonded persons value themselves. Some of us were raised so this feels natural. You can become a strongly attached adult too! Finding the certainty that you deserve love is the key to this  

1. "I am worthy of love to feel appreciated, understood, and secure"  

Dating and commitment are better for secure individuals. This is partly because they are less scared to end unhealthy relationships.   

 2. "If the person I am dating is not right for me, I will find someone else who is"

Security-minded people know that ghosting or not following up after a date is prohibited.  

3. "I don’t accept treatment that leaves me feeling less than secure, safe, and valued"

A radical acceptance of your current feelings is the foundation of self-care and self-love. Remember that admitting your sentiments doesn't give you permission to act on them.  

4. "My feelings are valid"  

Relationship anxiety sometimes arises from insecurity about communicating your feelings and wants. Without knowing and recognizing your own sentiments, it's very impossible to communicate them successfully! First, improve your emotional bond.   

5. "I can communicate my feelings and they can be understood"  

Fear of good disagreement might cause relationship anxiety. Conflict is normal in healthy partnerships. Conflict and relationship issues will arise.  

6. "Even when we disagree, I expect my partner to still respect and value me and my opinions"  

The need to connect is a survival instinct! Your emotions are good. Friendship with them will make them less intimidating and your partner's emotional demands less scary. Bad beliefs about bonding cause much relationship discomfort.  

7. "It is healthy to depend on my partner and allow my partner to depend on me"  

Good security balances freedom and individuality. If you struggle to trust distance or separateness, remember that your personal progress will strengthen the partnership.  

8. "My partner and I grow in important ways when we pursue our own, separate interests"  

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