Here Are Three Simple Ways To Be More Open And Honest With Your Man

Can you share your thoughts with a man, even the ugly ones? Can it unite you? If done well, you can.   

Has a man ever informed you he was going to hang out with his buddies or travel alone, and you claimed to be fine because you didn't want to seem needy? It was never true—you were frightened to tell him?  

True, however you may not know or agree with this about guys. A man wants your honesty and directness. Men love this about their communication. Not being honest drives them crazy.  

1. Speak up instead of skirting the matter.

If they're preparing something you disagree with, they want you to tell them right away before it escalates. 

When you express your feelings to emotionally mature males, they don't get irritated.  

2. Understand why he's mad at you

Knowing you're sad upsets them. Most guys take it personally when a woman criticizes their relationship. You may not be blaming him, but he'll think so.  

By safe, I mean telling a man what you think, feel, and need will strengthen your relationship.  

3. Make both of you feel safe opening up.

Plan your actions. Sit down with him today when you're both calm. Tell him you respect his feelings and appreciate his respect for yours  

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