Optical Illusion: Can You Spot A Hat In This Bathroom In 8 Seconds?

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Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Finding a concealed hat in a restroom is the goal of a recent online challenge that has gained popularity. It seems simple, doesn't it? Alright, not so quickly!  

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The picture that's going around the internet is actually an optical illusion created to play with your eyes and see how good of an observer you are.  

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The drawback? There are just eight seconds left to locate the hat!  

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You may be asking yourself, "Why is there a hat in a bathroom?" Because they frequently show common things in unexpected settings, optical illusions are mysterious and entertaining in part because of this.  

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Your mind may fool you when you gaze at the picture. Is that a towel or a hat that's hanging on the wall? Is that shampoo bottle trying to pass for headgear?   

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Some say they can see the hat immediately, while others find it difficult to see even after several tries. Then there are those that vouch that there isn't even a hat!  

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Don't worry, though; simply participating in the challenge is a great opportunity to sharpen your mind and interact with the online community even if you are unable to locate the elusive hat.  

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So, why do you hesitate? Try your luck and see if you can identify the hat in the restroom in under eight seconds. Wishing you luck!  

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