Peanut Butter Green Smoothie

The finest green smoothie combines frozen banana, peanut butter, and baby spinach. If you're new to green smoothies, this is the perfect recipe to get started.

If the notion of drinking kale, spinach, collard greens, or swiss chard makes you squirm, don't go yet! I promise you can prepare green smoothies that taste wonderful and make you feel good!

To be honest, I've always enjoyed green smoothies but hadn't tried them on a regular basis until recently.

It makes sense given that leafy greens are one of the most nutritious foods you can consume. It's one of the reasons I enjoy eating one huge salad every day, but adding greens to your smoothie is a simple way to get a lot of greens in one meal.

I'm sure you've heard that greens are healthy, but did you know they're also high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E, and K?

They also include fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll, and a variety of vitamins and phytochemicals. The benefits of leafy greens are incredible. Here are a few.

Baby spinach has a mild flavor and is an excellent place to begin! Add a handful or two of baby spinach to your smoothies, then gradually increase the amount of spinach or other more pungent greens such as collards and kale.

Use frozen fruit. Frozen bananas and mango provide a pleasant sweetness, texture, and effectively mask the flavor of the greens. <- Simply make sure your bananas are ripe and peel them before freezing.

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