Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs From Now To May 19

In love, the only thing you can be sure of is that you will harm someone, whether on purpose or accidentally, and they will hurt you back. This isn't because love is meant to be painful; rather, it's just a reflection of the faulty nature of human nature, which learns by interpersonal relationships and frequently results in hurting the one who matters most.  

The energetic wave that arrives during the week of May 13 can help you move past damaged feelings and set appropriate boundaries in relationships by helping you see what you really need.   

On Wednesday, May 15, the asteroid Ceres will retrogradely station in Capricorn, signaling the start of this healing energy. The asteroid Ceres, which represents caring and home, assists you in considering what is takes to establish a secure environment in your partnership.   

The asteroid Pallas enters Scorpio on Thursday, May 16, as part of its retrograde, encouraging you to cherish the things that are most important to you. This week's astrological events peak on May 15.  

Pallas' retrograde in Scorpio gives you the opportunity to identify your true needs and take action in whatever manner is necessary to fulfill them. Love is the one thing that is always worth standing up for and going above and beyond for.  

The asteroid Ceres will retrograde in Capricorn on Wednesday, May 15, in your romantic sector. This is an invitation to recognize and speak out for what you need from a partner or a completely new relationship. Ceres is in charge of the house, which is a secure place where you can feel cared for, protected, and loved by your spouse and the life you have built together.   


The First Quarter Moon in Leo on Wednesday, May 15, offers a glimmer of hope for a deep reconciliation with your significant other and the capacity to heal the wounds of past growth. The First Quarter Moon represents fresh starts, metamorphosis, and discovering a more profound sense of equilibrium in both your personal and romantic life.  


Mercury enters Taurus on Wednesday, May 15, bringing the post-retrograde cycle to a conclusion and refocusing your attention on your love life. All forms of communication are governed by Mercury, and during the sign of Taurus, this planet facilitates meaningful interactions with your significant other or establishes new, stronger partnerships.  


Mercury will enter Taurus on Wednesday, May 15, bringing up ideas of joy and dedication in your intimate connection. This invites you into the zone where you can build on what you've already achieved, even though it might also imply that a proposal or elopement is in your future. Now is the perfect moment to give your relationship some serious attention, especially if you are already devoted to each other.


As part of its retrograde, the asteroid Pallas will enter Scorpio on Thursday, May 16. This will give you more clarity on the changes you need to make to improve your romantic life. Asteroid Pallas rules not only wisdom but also the courage to stand up for what you truly believe in. The greatest notable change in your love life will occur when Pallas retrogrades in Scorpio.   


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