The Six Funniest Astrological Signs for Zodiac

The majority of us are able to make people laugh a little bit.

But are you the kind of person who can make pretty much anybody laugh until they cry?

Do people in your group frequently refer to you as the "funny man" or the joker?

According to astrology, you are most likely one of the funniest signs of the zodiac. 


Sagittarians are comedic gems. They are without a shadow of doubt the funniest zodiac signs among all the twelve sun signs.


Geminis are real sports as well. Not only do they enjoy being the butt of all jokes, they actually insist on being roasted by their friends.


Leo’s natural habitat is under the spotlight. They are born entertainers and drama queens.


Aries believes in making others laugh via actions so prepare yourself for impersonations, silly walks, and contorted faces.


Scorpios are rather popular for their passive-aggressive jokes.


Libras simply want everyone around them to have a good time.