Watermelon Chia Fresca

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke
Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Watermelon Chia Fresca is a delightful twist on the classic agua fresca, featuring the hydrating properties of watermelon and the nutritional benefits of chia seeds. Here's a recipe for you to enjoy: 

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke


– 4 cups diced seedless watermelon – 1 tablespoon chia seed – 1-2 tablespoons honey or agave syrup (adjust to taste)

– Juice of 1 lime – 2-3 cups cold water – Ice cube – Fresh mint leaves for garnish (optional)

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Blend diced watermelon and lime juice. Blend smooth. To remove pulp and seeds, strain watermelon juice into a large pitcher through a fine-mesh sieve.  

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

This step is optional for smoother drinks. Add chia seeds to watermelon juice and mix thoroughly.  

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Mix with honey or agave syrup until dissolved. Customise sweetness.  

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Add cold water slowly, stirring, until you get your preferred consistency and taste. You can adjust the flavour strength by adding water.  

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Watermelon Chia Fresca should be refrigerated for at least 30 minutes to plump the chia seeds and blend the flavours.  

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Mix the drink well before serving to spread the chia seeds.  

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Over ice cubes, pour Watermelon Chia Fresca into glasses.  

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

If preferred, add fresh mint leaves to each glass for colour and freshness.  

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Serve immediately and enjoy your healthy Watermelon Chia Fresca!  

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