What Each Zodiac Sign Needs in a Relationship to Be Happy  

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White Scribbled Underline

Relationships are laborious. To get along, you must know your own and your partner's requirements.  

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Thick Brush Stroke

Astrology can help you be a better mate. The zodiac signs offer a look into companionship. Find out what zodiac signs want in a relationship and how to fall in love with them below.  

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Aries are direct. They cherish honesty, thus they expect you to talk openly and honestly. They don't like people who waste time. They need an independent, self-motivated, and focused person. They'll leave dull people.  

What Aries needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Taurus dislikes revealing their hearts. They keep their problems to themselves and pretend to be fine. Taurus wants a companion that will work with them and help them express themselves. They prefer those who take time to get to know them.  

What Taurus needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Geminis have several hobbies. They enjoy being active. They need someone to provide them thrill they can't obtain elsewhere as they move from exciting thing to exciting thing. They prefer partners that laugh and are adventurous.  

What Gemini needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Cancers want to give their lovers everything to make them happy. Cancers are deeply affectionate and nurturing, yet they demand their partners to behave how they imagine.   

What Cancer needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Leo is confident and easygoing and wants a partner that will move along with them naturally. They seem foolish yet don't like games. Someone authentic is what they seek. Someone confident and unwavering. Insecure people don't interest them.  

What Leo needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Virgos are intellectual and emotional. However, they would never show this side. As Virgos mix practicality and emotion, they require a partner who can do the same and talk about deep issues.  

What Virgo needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Libras strive for inherent positivity. They've focused on peace of mind, so if you threaten it, you won't last. They like being fair and just, therefore they demand the same from their relationships.  

What Libra needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Scorpios are reserved unless they're trusted. They were torched before. Build trust as much is possible to keep a Scorpio relationship. They prefer comfort. They like love too. They love being passionate and seek a mate that shares their passion.  

What Scorpio needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Sagittarius are lively and reflective. They enjoy funny banter, philosophical debate, and demanding excursions. These people have the most natural wonder for the world.   

What Sagittarius needs in a relationship

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Thick Brush Stroke

Capricorns want partners who work hard and are motivated. They enjoy being with a self-reliant, present person. Even though they work more than everyone else, they know life is more than job.   

What Capricorn needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

People say Aquarius, one of the most difficult zodiac signs, loves life. This implies several things. They rarely settle down unless the individual is very meaningful to them. If they choose you, it's real. Second, exploration is their life goal.   

What Aquarius needs in a relationship

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Pisces is amorous and sympathetic. In the beginning of a relationship, make them feel safe opening up to you. Expect huge displays of love after they welcome you. Because they like this too.   

What Pisces needs in a relationship

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Thick Brush Stroke

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